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The ancient House of Pushkin was descended from a viking cavalier by the name of Varegue Radcha who immigrated to Russia during the reign of Alexandre Nevsky in the year 1200. Many members of the House of Pushkin served the throne of Russia.
The House of Pushkin became allied to European royal families first through the marriage of Nathalie, daughter of the celebrated poet Alexandre Pushkin to the Duke of Nassau and again through the marriage of their daughter to Grand Duke Michael of Russia.
This can be verified by Russian history and the geological history of the House of Pushkin, documented in the registers of the Russian nobility in their capacity as members of the very old House of Boyards Pushkin, cited in volume VI of the registers of the Loukianoff district.

Alexandre Pushkin

In the early fourteenth century the nickname 'Pouchka' (Russian for 'canon'… the canon had been used for the first time in 1346 in the battle of Crécy) was given to the eldest child of the seventh generation of direct descendance from a Viking family by the name of Ratcha. Towards the end of the century the name Pouchka became Pushkin.
In 1613 new members of the family signed the act of the election to the throne of the Romanoff dynasty. The House of Pushkin served the throne of Russia in the capacity of boyards, counselors, seneschals and ambassadors. In 1798 the poet's father Serge Pushkin who was a lieutenant in the Imperial Guard, became a hereditary knight of the Order of Malta.
He married Nadine Hanibal, the granddaughter of Abraham Hanibal, the son of an Ethiopian prince who had been offered to Peter the Great and became his protégé. Abraham Hanibal finished his career as commander-in-chief of the Imperial army.

Abraham Hanibal

La Fondation Internationale Pouchkine a pour but de populariser l'oeuvre du premier et plus important représentant du patrimoine littéraire russe et travaille à la promotion des activités artistiques, littéraires et culturelles liées à son oeuvre. La Fondation Internationale Pouchkine parraine le Centre d'Oncologie pour Enfants de Saint-Pétersbourg. Année après année, ils rassemblent les fonds nécessaires à l'achat primordial de médicaments et d'équipement médical. Site construit par Hendrik Claessens, irc
Hendrik Claessens, ingénieur commercial, est professeur à l'institut LETHAS où il enseigne le Calcul du Prix de Revient et l'Analyse Financière des Entreprises. Il enseigne l'Economie et l'Informatique à l'Institut OLVI à Vilvoorde et en même temps il est responable du cours de "Responsable de Réseau Informatique" dans plusieurs organisations d'éducation.
Au sein de Claessens Netwerk Planning SPRL il soutient des initiatives en informatique de plusieurs institutions non-commerciales.
Son engagement social se démontre dans l'affiliation à plusieurs organisations charitables et culturelles. Ainsi il est membre du conseil d'administration de la Fondation Internationale Pouchkine.

Rik Claessens, Claessens Hendrik, Claessens Rik